Saturday, February 21, 2009

Is it summer yet?

I am so tired of the cold weather! Today was sunny, but we went and took a walk on the waterfront in Edmonds and my ears were so cold they were throbbing. I am thankful that we still do have a few more months though otherwise Caiden would just be getting TOO old. I already feel like it was yesterday that I was telling Ryan that I was (surprise!) pregnant.

We had Caiden's 9 month check up at the Dr. last week and things are going very well and he is developing normally (phew)! He was 21 lbs (55th %) and 29 1/2 inches long (85th %). I think he's going to be a basketball player and the Dr. said he was looking to be a "bit taller than Dad." HAHAHAHA...(on a side note, when Ryan and I first started dating he told me he was 6 feet tall. We found that was not the case very quickly when I stood next to him in a pair of heels).

Caiden is quite possibly not only the cutest, but the smartest baby in the world. He now crawls everywhere, pulls himself up, he has just started to master "cruising" where he walks along the furniture, he waves hi and bye-bye, he gives high fives, claps and his newest thing is he everything. It is hilarious. His favorite thing to do is pull himself up on the sliding glass door and point outside and say "da" (it is just a shorter version of "dog").

Here are some fairly recent pics of the little monkey...

Happy as a little clam!
Getting into his toys...there is a lot to choose from!
Poor guy was pretty sick...his first real puke...all over Dad (I spared the details of the puddle on the floor).

His favorite place to hang out is in the kitchen with the straws.

Seriously, what is cuter than a little boy in sunglasses??
So happy!!

Playing with his buddy Jonas

Like two peas in a pod!
All dressed up and ready to go!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday!

I am trying to get better about my posts...soooo here are a few pictures from Superbowl and some other random days. Caiden, as expected, is getting bigger everyday. He is now not so laid back about who he will hang out...most of the time it's just mom and dad that he wants to hang out with. We'd better enjoy it while it lasts...soon we will be the last people he will want to hang with! He is getting better about eating his solid foods and now eats these "puffs" that taste like cardboard, oh I mean, like some sort of fruit. He has also been eating his arrowroot cookies and biter biscuits which also taste like cardboard, I mean, they are really delicious. Most of the time he will just take them and toss them on the floor, but really, who can blame him? As for Caiden's new tricks...let's see, he can wave bye bye, he just started clapping, he crawls EVERYWHERE, he also can pull himself up on just about anything, he opens drawers, cabinets, etc., he drinks out of sippy cups AND normal cups and I think there are just too many things to list. I think he will be walking within the next month or so...but we'll see. Ryan has had a few too many drinks and he wants me to add to this post that "Dada loves him a lot." He sure does. And with that, I think I am going to wrap it up! Enjoy the pics!
Caiden had just been chewing on the beer box...
Who needs to watch the football game when you have a cooler full of beer (ok well it WAS full)

I think I can tell what he's thinking..."Oh, hi mom, I didn't expect you to catch me!"

He even looks handsome with a bucket on his head!

Caiden and Grandpa Tom...hard to get him to sit still for the picture!

It's time to crawl around in my diaper!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yes, I know, it's been way too long...

Caiden is now 8 1/2 months old! He is quite the flirt and prefers very pretty girls with dark hair. It can be short or long...he is pretty flexible. When he sees one of these fine ladies he is all smiles and actually follows her around the room to see if she is going to come talk to him. It is very amusing to watch. Of course, he is so handsome that he hasn't been turned down yet.

Caiden got his first tooth last week (front bottom left) and so he hasn't been sleeping quite as well as he should...He has also mastered his crawling so instead of the army scoot he is now on his hands and knees traveling the span of the house. Baby gate time!

Here are some pictures from the past couple of months...Enjoy! xoxo The Cox Clan

Just looking adorable...

My new scooter/walker that I like to ride around (with supervision of course)

Trying to crawl out of my towel!!

I am all smiles! Look at the all the toys I got for Christmas!

My new puppy dog hat...It was great for the snow!

Our house all blanketed in was pretty to look at! This is Christmas Day...

Wearing Dad's hat. Go Cougs!

Oops this is sideways, oh well. This is Caiden in his toy bucket that he decided to crawl into.

Daddy and Caiden out in the snow

Daddy and Caiden getting ready to go in the snow!

Not a happy camper after an hour of trying to get the perfect Christmas card photo...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I couldn't help but post a few extra pics of Caiden in his costume among a few others we recently took...enjoy!

Caiden and his BFF Jonas

The two boys just hangin...

Fuzzy Wuzzy Waz a Bear...

Caiden (the bear) and Jonas (the panda)

So freaking adorable, he loves his diaper being changed!

Caiden and Daddy...Ryan was faking it but Caiden was sawing some logs!

Future Quarterback!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fun in the Fall!

Caiden is going to be 6 months old on Sunday....where has the time gone?? He is rolling over and in fact rolls over and over and over again. You can't take your eyes off him for a minute! He is also quite a giggler, laughing at everything. His new favorite game is Peek a Boo (which is fitting since Halloween is tomorrow). He also just learned to give a high five and he is working on his wave...he REALLY wants to and we know it won't be long. He is also very close to sitting up by himself (he can do it for a few seconds)! Come back soon to see him dressed as a bear cub for Halloween. Is it bad if we take him trick or treating and eat all of his candy? ;)

Caiden checking out Uncle Chris...he wasn't too sure of him at first but ended up really bonding with him and can't wait until he visits again.

He is quite the ham for the camera...

I love this picture, he had just gotten out of the bath and look at those eyelashes!!

What a happy little guy!

Practicing sitting up on Mama!

Daddy carved some pumpkins and I got to help!!

Mama and Caiden having a moment...

The first time he fell asleep he was eating peas. I don't think he liked them very much so he just decided to conk out.

Caiden is practicing his wave!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Man on Campus! 4 months!

It has been a little while since I have updated but Caiden is growing fast as ever and we have been having SO much fun! He is now 4 1/2 months old and packing on the lbs. At his appointment the other day he was 15 lbs and 26 inches long. Dr. said he is all caught up in weight (55th percentile) and is going to be tall (82nd percentile for height). Said he would be "an inch or two taller than Dad." Since Ryan thinks he is already 6' (yes, we know he is dreaming)this was a bit of a blow, I mean, how could his SON possibly be taller than HIM? ;) Caiden's head is still a bit of a peanut in the 15th percentile. He has been talking A LOT, he started this new shrieking and screaming at the top of his lungs while he plays and is quite content just looking around at his surroundings and his colorful toys.
A few big events that happened recently...Caiden went to his first Cougar game! Pictures are posted below. He also was baptized (pictures also posted below). Other than that we have just been hanging out having fun.

Caiden and two peas in a pod!

Mama and Caiden!

The Cox Family

Caiden's eating rice cereal and loving it!

Signature gummy smile...

Splish splash I was taking a bath...(after a large diaper blowout)

Guess who's a Cougar?? (Sorry to both Grandpa Tom and Grampa Jim)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Caiden is 3 months!

Just lounging on a hot summer day...

Meeting Auntie Lindsay for the first time and hanging out with the cousins!
Playing with my BFF Jonas

Laughing at Daddy!

I'm parkin' it like it's hot!!

I love my showers with Dad!
Working with Mama

Hanging with Uncle Chris and Auntie Josie