Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Man on Campus! 4 months!

It has been a little while since I have updated but Caiden is growing fast as ever and we have been having SO much fun! He is now 4 1/2 months old and packing on the lbs. At his appointment the other day he was 15 lbs and 26 inches long. Dr. said he is all caught up in weight (55th percentile) and is going to be tall (82nd percentile for height). Said he would be "an inch or two taller than Dad." Since Ryan thinks he is already 6' (yes, we know he is dreaming)this was a bit of a blow, I mean, how could his SON possibly be taller than HIM? ;) Caiden's head is still a bit of a peanut in the 15th percentile. He has been talking A LOT, he started this new shrieking and screaming at the top of his lungs while he plays and is quite content just looking around at his surroundings and his colorful toys.
A few big events that happened recently...Caiden went to his first Cougar game! Pictures are posted below. He also was baptized (pictures also posted below). Other than that we have just been hanging out having fun.

Caiden and two peas in a pod!

Mama and Caiden!

The Cox Family

Caiden's eating rice cereal and loving it!

Signature gummy smile...

Splish splash I was taking a bath...(after a large diaper blowout)

Guess who's a Cougar?? (Sorry to both Grandpa Tom and Grampa Jim)

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Hi Linds!! Love the blog!! Caiden is so darling!