Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fun in the Fall!

Caiden is going to be 6 months old on Sunday....where has the time gone?? He is rolling over and in fact rolls over and over and over again. You can't take your eyes off him for a minute! He is also quite a giggler, laughing at everything. His new favorite game is Peek a Boo (which is fitting since Halloween is tomorrow). He also just learned to give a high five and he is working on his wave...he REALLY wants to and we know it won't be long. He is also very close to sitting up by himself (he can do it for a few seconds)! Come back soon to see him dressed as a bear cub for Halloween. Is it bad if we take him trick or treating and eat all of his candy? ;)

Caiden checking out Uncle Chris...he wasn't too sure of him at first but ended up really bonding with him and can't wait until he visits again.

He is quite the ham for the camera...

I love this picture, he had just gotten out of the bath and look at those eyelashes!!

What a happy little guy!

Practicing sitting up on Mama!

Daddy carved some pumpkins and I got to help!!

Mama and Caiden having a moment...

The first time he fell asleep he was eating peas. I don't think he liked them very much so he just decided to conk out.

Caiden is practicing his wave!


Stacie said...

He's getting SO big and cute!!! I can't wait to meet him in January! Keep up the posts Linds, too darling!

Nikki said...

Oh Lindsay he is DARLING! What a sweetheart. Your mom shows me pics on her camera but these are closer so much better. :) Looks like you are having fun.. enjoy it, cause it will go too fast. Anyway, thanks for sharing the pics.. He is beautiful!!